Monday, December 5, 2011

prettty things

Tumblr_lkw6akhjkj1qcjclio1_500_large5479373367_baace5af0d_z_largeTumblr_loyqcxmvcj1qdolg6o1_500_large319647_284581898249318_269823593058482_840717_1384014781_n_largeSo flowy! perfect for a little seaside breeze!I rarely appreciate that cork like sole in shoes,but this actually fits perfectly with the whole pictureI’ve had my eye on this for a while.Gorgeous!ah summer,where has thou gone? Can’t believe it’s september already!Euphoria-atmosphere-by-indz-140987-530-629_largeTumblr_lb9gx5iyo41qzsh8yo1_500_largeone thing i adore are red heels and white pants!Omg take me here.Tumblr_lpi4btdzag1r0jgvuo1_500_largeTumblr_ln7lxrcltv1qkf2kio1_500_largeTumblr_lovtjfmbq11qbj9dao1_500_largec-aptivate:so much love for hanneli luminere:wish i could draw!me too! abbey lee, wildfoxx, amazing clothescan someone buy me a bike like this, pretty pleasesophs birthday brekky, so fulllloh yarrrthat dress, pretty galfl-owers:wowoh wowc-o-n-f-u-s-e:they look beauty in evrythingfilthy-mind:STOP THIS IS GORGEOUS <3t-i-g-e-r-s-b-l-o-o-d:tangled—spines:xenops:be-la:i was theree that dayyy!jealous :(jealouser :(Tumblr_ln00khkg6b1qe0f4ro1_500_largeTumblr_ltjfrlzga51qkfxfvo1_1280_largeTumblr_lpcebrpo471qa4o2no1_500_large

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